The Euro-Asian Bridge Society
of Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgeons
Welcome to
The Euro-Asian Bridge Society​​
Letter from the Chancellor
The creation of The Euro-Asian Bridge Society of cardiac surgery was inspired almost twenty years ago, when the Founder of the Society, Dr. Sotirios Prapas from Greece and the co -founder Dr. Belhan Akpinar from Turkey decided to create a link between Greece and Turkey, thus exchanging visits and surgical experience. Few months later, this link was also established between Greece and F.Y.R.O.M. (former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) with the beginning of a fruitful cooperation between Dr. S. Prapas and Dr. Zan Mitrev.
In 2004, the idea of creating a strong connection between Cardiac Surgeons from South-Eastern Europe and the Middle East became a reality. Today, globally recognized Cardiac Surgeons from 23 countries participate in this society. Over the years,many countries hosted the different Meetings of the Euro Asian Bridge Society: Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Bulgaria, Romania, Montenegro, Dubai, Croatia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Serbia.
The aim of the EAB society is the reinforcing of the communication spirit and bridging the gaps between the cardiac societies in this area, Providing an European, Asian and worldwide exchange of ideas, research and approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases , and to allow the young physicians to express and present their works in the field of cardiology and cardiac surgery . Besides the scientific meetings, the EAB society give to all of us the oportunity to build bridges between people what ever their differences, interests or cultures. providing quality through friendship
Georges B. TEDY, MD
Chancellor of EAB Society